Friday, September 16, 2011

Trail of Tears

Hey Everybody!  If you noticed my Blog Title "Trail of Tears", no it doesn't have anything to do with the indians, but my own trail of tears after leaving my precious daughter and her family.  I knew separation from my new grandson was going to be hard when I would cry on day 2 thinking about when I had to leave him to go back home.  Me and Dennis have both had our moments since being back home.  Heather promises to send photos and videos.  Of course we can't wait to see all of them again.  We don't know when that will be yet. 

Ok, enough of that sad talk.  Yesterday was spent sleeping in, unpacking, buying groceries, and of course buying fabric.  :)  In preparation for my very first tutorial I needed to buy some Christmas fabric and other items before I could get started.  What am I going to make - you ask??  Christmas tree ornaments.  They are super cute and I can't wait to show you how to do it yourself.  I started last night.  I should finish sometime today.  I will include photos and step-by-step directions for you.  Talk to you all later! 

1 comment:

  1. Right there with you. I haven't seen Zoe since August 7. :(
